About US

Hallelujah Inspirational Ministries
Was registered October 1st. 2017 for the following:-
Missionary organizations, evangelism
Religious publishing and broadcasting
Social outreach, religious fellowship, and auxiliary organizations
We are seek to HELP you OVERCOME your needs, in Spirit and in Truth, in Prayers to JESUS.
Any Donations to HIM (Hallelujah Inspirational Ministries) can be made Online:-
Via: focusJESUS@gmail.com
or posted to:-
Hallelujah Inspirational Ministries
Toronto, Ontario; Canada M2R 2A1
Registration 2017/10/01; No: 740203294 RR 0001
JESUS CHRIST, Austin A. Phillip and HI Ministries
JESUS CHRIST is our SAVIOUR and LORD; Son of our Almighty GOD. He said “I am the way, the truth, and the life.
No one comes to the Father except through Me.” (Jn.14:6). ‘For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.’ (John 3:16).
Evangelist Austin A. Phillip was born on a small Caribbean Island, now a Country, called St. Kitts and Nevis.
As the teenager, Austin represented his Country playing Cricket and Soccer; he also participated in the local Calypso Music Festivals and was once the owner of a Road March during the then Statehood parade, before the Islands became independent from Britain.
With a vision to accomplish as much as possible, financially, he migrated to America in 1970, studied many professions, worked at many different jobs, owned many Sales Businesses; survived many Stock Market crashes, the 911 incident, sicknesses; including Epilepsy, Strokes, sleep Apnea and Cancers.
He was ordained as a Pentecostal Evangelical Minister in 1996; looking back to him being used to plant the first Moravian Church in Toronto and serve as a Trustee in different Pentecostal Ministries; he recognized, after an Evangelical Mission trip to Andra Pradesh, what GOD has in mind something for Him to do, more directly. and that is to worship Him in Spirit and in Truth; and The Spirit of The Living GOD inspired him to Incorporate a Non-profit Organization and register it as a Charity with the Canadian Government, so that it can serve the Communities by proclaiming the GODWAY FOCUS ‘JESUS’ TODAY Messages and other similar Bible based events.
Before Incorporating Hallelujah Inspirational Ministries, Austin was moved to a Mission tour to India in 2016.
After he Incorporated (HIM) Hallelujah Inspirational Ministries and it’s Ontario Affiliate (FOCUS) Family Of Christ United Services;
Salvation Missionary tours were made to the Caribbean Islands of St. Kitts and Nevis in 2016 and 2018.
HIM’s Family Of Christ United Services FOCUS ‘JESUS’ Mission has been entrusted to Evangelist Austin A. Phillip; just as Christ JESUS called His disciples to follow Him. Today he is the main promoter of many Ministries that arrive out the leading of The Holy Spirit of GOD proclaiming Him, JESUS, LORD of lords.
Apart from the Website www.GODway2k.com, he pursues many ways of praises, such as Hallelujah Inspirational Ministries (HIM).
Hallelujah Inspirational Ministries was actually registered, as a Canadian non-profit Charity Organization, on October 1st 2017.
HI Ministries’ Mission is to fulfill GOD’s Great Commission, as JESUS told to His Disciples in (Mt.28:19,20) “go
and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
To help others to discover who they REALLY are and for them to help others, also, as GOD has told them to, once they make JESUS CHRIST, their LORD and SAVIOUR and submit their lives to Him.
Hallelujah Inspirational Ministries
Toronto, Ontario; Canada M2R 2A1
Email: focusJESUS@HIMinistries.ca
Evangelist Austin A. Phillip