Hallelujah Inspirational Ministries
Was registered October 1st. 2017 for the following:-
Missionary organizations, evangelism 15%
Religious publishing and broadcasting 15%
Social outreach, religious fellowship, and auxiliary organizations 70%
Due to the recent events, we are able to OVERCOME and HELP with your needs, in PRAYERS, to JESUS.
State your Requests, below:-
Any Donations to HIM (Hallelujah Inspirational Ministries) Online:-
Via: focusJESUS@gmail.com
Hallelujah Inspirational Ministries
Toronto, Ontario; Canada M2R 2A1
Registration 2017/10/01; No: 740203294 RR 0001
You will receive your Tax receipt for deductions within 45 days at the end of the year.
Please complete the following to get in touch: